Appeal to the President

PO Box 90714 Windhoek, Namibia 46,
Bismarck Street, tel. +7(495)105-00-00,



“__”____ 2019
Subject: Cooperation

Dear Mr. President,


Every State in the world strives to attract resources for improvement of the welfare of its residents, balanced growth of science, manufacture, agriculture and other fields and life spheres of the state.

There are different ventures and methods for investment project implementation in the world. The Interstate Bank is one of the ventures that opens up fresh opportunities for making guarantees to attract financial resources. The Reserve Interstate Bank is capable of financial resources attraction at the new level, and among other things, the Bank is posed to credit the Government, National (Central) Bank, commercial banks, joint ventures, infrastructure projects. Already this year the borrowings, internal or external, can be used if this project is implemented properly.

Government programs for enterprise establishment that tend to be valuable for tax collection in order to create state budget of all levels are taken as a basis. Upon the signing of the attached agreements first-priority objects offered for technical credit provision are to be proceeded.

Having identified the most advanced states that have the opportunities to establish the necessary enterprise, the Reserve Interstate Bank “RIB” coordinates the structure of the transaction between the customer – the County Government and the Government providing technical credit.

Upon approval of the future owners of the new object with the customer government the Reserve Interstate Bank implements the object at the stage of construction attracting funds available at the world market and using new technologies of internet resource assimilation on completing the object construction.

The only thing required from the country’s leadership is the political guarantee and government participation in case of personal interest in the project if the object has a strategic impact for the state.

Taking the foregoing into consideration, you are kindly requested to instruct the Parliament to set up a commission consisting of the members of the Government and the Bank National (Central) to consider this issue and make a decision. And for further signing by the Government, the Bank National (Central) of relevant agreements with the RIB and ratification in parliament.

Application on one sheet.




of the Reserve Interstate Bank


Annex 1


The bank, signed by V. Sipachov, sends a letter to the President of the state. On the basis of the appeal received, the President instructs the Parliament to create a commission together with the Government and the National (Central) Bank of the state. The Commission will examine the issue and send the President the necessary opinion, in accordance with which he will instruct to sign the proposed agreements. Subsequently, the signed treaty is ratified in parliament.

The commission consisting of 3-7 people comprehensively studied the proposal of the Reserve Interstate Bank and did not find any comments or risks for the Government, the National (Central) Bank, the Parliament or other state institutions of the country. Moreover, the technical lending offered by the RIB provides new jobs, taxes to the state budget, improvement of the social infrastructure, attraction of investments and innovations in the territory of the country. As well as the proposal makes it possible to significantly increase foreign exchange reserves, replenish working capital for small and medium businesses and attract specialists to the state in connection with the implementation of the proposed projects. All of the above is extremely important in terms of survival in the modern world and taking into account the emerging tough competition on the territories of the Eurasian continent.