Exchange Transactions Database subsystem

The subsystem is to be used to automate the functions of the Exchange Control Department and maintain the electronic database of exchange transactions.

The subsystem interacts with the “Centralized ABS” which provides automatic control of the entered exchange transactions codes during the registration and processing of payment instruments.


In the ETD (Exchange Transactions Database), the following information shall be entered: the account number of the resident or non-resident, the date of the exchange transaction, payment purpose, the exchange transaction code, TIN, the date of state registration of the legal entity, the address of the legal entity, the date of opening the bank account, data on the payment recipient, etc. The information stored in the “Centralized ABS” is transferred to the ETD (Exchange Transactions Database) automatically. Blank fields require manual filling as needed.

It is possible to receive reports and various forms of data presentation, both in print and electronic form (in Excel, CONVA and other formats, at the request of users).